Friday 16 September 2011

There, I fixed it

Pentru ca din start discutiile de genul asta sunt labareala.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Doi ardeleni se intalnesc pe strada:
- De ce esti amãrât, Ioanie?
- Cum sa nu fiu amãrãt, mãi Gheo, daca mi-o murit un bou.
- Eh, uite ashe ne-om duce, unu' dupa altu'.

Friday 15 January 2010

My sophomore year of high school I was dating my boyfriend for a few months. One day I told him I had something to show him in my room upstairs. This was the first time my boyfriend was allowed into my room; we were alone together. He goes straight to my compter and tells me I need more RAM.
-No Longer Dating A Nerd, CT

Wednesday 6 January 2010


k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

Granite be real?


Of quartz it can

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

Andesite the bible here…..

That was very igneous of you. I actually had to look it up.
k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

I Sodalite being a geology buff!


It shows. I’m kind of obsidian when it comes to this stuff.

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

…Not your basalt, I just like the pretty colours!


what the rock?


I always thought the class was a painite in the amosite. But then again I had a lousy Professor

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

Ah carbon, he sounds like a diamond!


No. just like pyrite, he was nothing but a fool’s gold.

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

Wow he just gypsum!


We all had to sulpher through his classes.


correction, sulfer.

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

Rhyolite mine still!


We had a feeling he wasn’t someone who scorzalite. maybe that was his problem.

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

Sedimentary my dear Watson.


*searches internet for more geology ‘word play’ sites* but K’s already been to all the good ones

k@ the custard fairy & IgnoreButton™

I Mica said that was true, but it isn’t, these are the ones I remember.

Thursday 3 December 2009

It's Expected I'm Gone

"As fi cretin daca l-as mai vota pe Basescu si… idiot daca l-as vota pe Geoana. Am de ales intre a-i lasa la putere pe “baietii destepti” din PDL sau a-i schimba cu “baronii locali” din PSD. Nu voi face asta, [...] "

---random guy or gal

Tuesday 24 November 2009


Lionaa at 1:03 am

Lionaa at 1:03 am

jam at 1:13 am
Go 4th.

Mookie at 1:28 am
Drink a 5th.

guybo at 1:47 am
Use your 6th sense.

Darkshaddow42 at 2:27 am
Go to 7th heaven.

JohnMac at 2:43 am
I 8th this thread.

Ryannon at 5:25 am
Go the whole 9 yards.

sharperguy at 5:27 am
11 Pipers Piping

Ryannon at 5:40 am
*deducts 10 points for poor counting skills*

Nebuchadnezzar at 5:59 am
He dozen get it..